Nurse's Office
Vicky Tracy, School Nurse
Phone: (708) 398-1262
Fax: (708) 398-1294
Physicals & ImmunizationsAll incoming freshmen and transfer students must turn in a completed State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health (Physical Exam Form) prior to enrollment. No student will be allowed to begin school without a completed physical and proof of immunizations. Exclusion is from the first day of attendance, not from October 15th as in the past.
Illinois Certificate of Child Health
All students entering 12th grade must show proof of receiving two doses of MCV4 (meningococcal vaccination). However, if the first dose was administered after 16 years of age, then only one dose is required.
Meningococcal Vaccination Form
Medication AdministrationThe purpose of administering medication in school is to help each student maintain an optimal state of health and to enhance his or her education. Please review the EPCHS handbook to review the Board Policy (7:270) pertaining to medication administration during school. Any student requiring medication during the school day (both prescription and over-the-counter medication) must have a Medication Authorization Form completed by a DEA licensed medical provider and signed by a parent or guardian.
Health Plans for StudentsStudents with medical conditions such as diabetes, asthma, life-threatening allergies requiring auto-injectable epinephrine, or seizures should have a new Emergency Plan as well as a Medication Authorization Form completed by their primary care provider at the beginning of every school year.
Asthma Action Plan
Diabetes Medical Management Plan (DMMP)
Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
Seizure Action Plan
P.E. RestrictionsStudents that are unable to participate in the full Physical Education program related to a chronic or an acute medical condition must provide documentation from their primary care provider. The form below should be completed and returned to the School Nurse.
Physical Education Restriction Form
Vision Exams
Effective January 1, 2008, any student enrolling for the first time in an Illinois public, private, or parochial school are required to have an eye examination. Therefore, only students transferring from out- of-state or who have been home schooled are required to have an eye examination upon entry to EPCHS. Please have the Vision Examination form completed and returned to the School Nurse.
Dental ExamsA new Illinois law that took effect on January 1, 2019, now requires children to have a dental exam performed by a dentist before starting high school. Previously, Public Act 100-0829 applied to children in kindergarten, second and sixth grades, but now expands to cover students entering ninth grade.
Other Information & Links
IDHFS ALL KIDS Program (a state program that offers health care coverage). Phone: 1-866-255-5437
Illinois Department of Public Health